sábado, dezembro 12, 2015


Já aqui falei mais do que uma vez deste filme, HUMAN, que pode ser visto e revisto na net. Mas o Facebook tem destas coisas, e partilharam este video com legendas em português. Mas aqui fica para já em inglês: 
Neste video aparece um texto importante, referindo uma iniciativa que teve lugar em Paris, esta semana. Aqui fica a cópia: "On the occasion of the Climate Conference which will be held in Paris in December, Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Jane Goodall are organizing a sale to the profit of the Jane Goodall Institut Thursday 10th of the December at Arthus-Bertrand Workshop, 15 rue de Seine, in the presence of Jane and Yann.

Jane Goodall is a primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist. She is the first to have observed and reported that chimpanzees use tools for feeding, deeply transforming the human-animal relationships. Today, Jane is committed to the crucial mission of alerting the public about the dangers our planet is exposed to and of changing individual behaviour towards a greater awareness of our environment. For more information on her activities, visit the Jane Goodall Institute : http://www.janegoodall.fr

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